
CCA Asian Ecumenical Institute(AEI)-2022 参加募集の案内

Christian Confeence of Asia (CCA) のAsian Ecumenical Institute(AEI)-2022 が秋に開催される予定です。

場所:タイ チェンマイ、パヤップ大学
テーマ: “God of Hope, Sustain Your Creation in Harmony (希望の神よ、あなたの被造物を調和のうちに保ち続けてください)”
募集人員: 20名
年齢: 25〜35歳、(英語によるコミュニケーション能力を必要とします)
応募締切: 8月12日


AEI–2022 – Background Information AEI–2022 – Letter to CCA Member Churches and Councils


The Heads of CCA Member Churches and Member Councils

Esteemed Ecumenical Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the Asian Ecumenical Institute (AEI)–2022 will be held at the CCA Headquarters, Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The theme of the AEI–2022 has been developed within the conceptual framework of wider ecumenism with a specific thematic focus on ‘God of Hope, Sustain Your Creation in Harmony’. A team of prominent theologians and ecumenists with professional expertise at the international level will be the main resource persons.

Admissions will be limited to up to twenty participants, and selections will be based on competence, gender, and confessional balances, sub-regional representation, and the applicant’s ability to effectively communicate in English.

The CCA member churches and councils are encouraged to recommend interested candidates to apply for the AEI–2022.

The deadline for receiving the completed application forms is 12 August 2022. Please find attached a letter from the CCA General Secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara, the Application Form, and the Background Information note which outlines the application process.

For queries regarding AEI–2022, please write to cca.aei@cca.org.hk.

We look forward to hearing from you.

On behalf of the CCA General Secretary Dr Mathews George Chunakara,

Ruth Mathen